Spirit Week
Gators walk off with the Spartan!


Gators walk off with the Spartan!


The Spartan arrives at St. Amant High


Spartacus had a "fighting" chance in senior English.

pe class

Spartacus enjoys finally playing with a REAL band!!!


Spartacus finally gets a good meal from the St. Amant High cafeteria

top pt

.... but he just can't hang

The Spartan

Hey East Ascension Spartans... Look at me!

computer class

Spartacus, an EA transfer student, admits he is not computer literate.


Spartacus is having a little trouble keeping up with the pace the Gators have set!! Flexibility and agility are not his strong points!


Spartacus is thinking of joining St. Amant's NJROTC... so he decides to tryout


Because Spartacus can't find his niche with the NJROTC or any other Gator group, he decides to help the Gators win the Spirit contest by posing for pictures.

Maybe this will gain him some popularity.